This sunday the Iolani Bands 2, 3, and 4 have their Christmas concert where they play all their christmas songs. The only reason i thought to write about this was because Doc said that we're going to bring in instruments later to analzye sound waves or something. We haven't really gotten into it, but I remember enough from past classes to know about frequency. Like how tubas have lower notes than flutes because the soundwaves have longer preiods and smaller amplitudes. And usually, when I think about soundwaves, i think of that graph that looks like a bunch of waves, but in reality the sound waves go out of an instrument in like a circle, because sound waves are like ripples in a pool, they travel all around. So today, when you go to the concert, I'll be there too, you can hear all the different sound waves from all the different instruments, and also from the crowd going wild. YAHH!!! GO STEELERS! (fu.tracy)

Those things on the wall absorb the sound waves.
Be there...
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