Well, for every year on Christmas Day, me and my family go to my cousins' house for a party, and the past three years there was this competition they held. They would give all the people that came their presents about two weeks before, and it is this sort of kit that we have to build a car out of, and perform all these challenges. Like who has the fastest, strongest, can make a jump, knock down some things, etc. It's all in good fun, but it can get pretty INTENSE. I was planning out my car, and I know that it has everything to do with physics. I have to pick wether to put treads or rubber on the tires, which will effect the friction and traction. How heavy to make it, because that aso affects the speed and friction and momentum to make jumps and knock down things. Also how the engine transfers its energy to the wheels, because there are different configurations, some of which provide more power for going up slopes and plowing through obstacles. Since my uncle is an engineer, and my cousin is studying mechanical engineering at the University of Las Vegas, I need to use my physics knowledge to win this competition and bring home the gold. Listening to the Steelers right now...Go Steelers!

Here are some pics of my BEAST.
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