You know what has a ton of physics involved? Volleyball. I'm just going to list all the ways volleyball has physics. First, the serve has a collision, and there are hundreds of collisions between ball a arm in volleyball, so whenever the ball is hit there is a collision. The ball also travels in projectile motion, especially on the serve and digs. When the setter sets the ball, it has to do with a collision, but I forget what the term was, but there is more time in contact so the ball floats right up to the hitter. The hitter applies a lot of force by smacking that ball, so it has great accleration. From there it either gets dug by some dude, and he can leave his arms still, so the collision is more like a reflection, and the ball will deflect with less than the initial speed. But if that dude swings his arms at the ball, they are both moving, and with the ball moving fast, after contact it will go shooting off. That's why volleyball players gotta keep their platforms straight. Just ask Alex. And blocking is just like digging except vertically at the net. Was that 150 words yet? jeez. Enjoy these pictures that totally explain it all.

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