Well, yesterday my mother and I went to the humane society to look for my lost cat. She was gone since last thursday. We didn't find her, so i guess she's gone. bummer. but anyways, as we drove to the humane society, there was a guy right outside the place who was riding a moped and got hit by a HECO car. His moped was all smashed up, like the back and seat were all crumpled. I'm not sure what happened during the collision, but I'm guessing the car and moped were both moving, and the car having the larger mass, exterted more energy on the moped. That is why the guy flew to the ground and his moped was all crushed. Transfer of energy.
My cat also made we think about how cats land from high heights. On impact they bend their legs, so that the time of contact is more and force on their legs is less. That is why even if the impulse is high, cats can jump from a great height and not break their legs. PHSYICS!!!! go stee

pictured is my cat